Element construction
5½ Rooms, 186m² living space
From Neolithic shelter to modern high-tech product.
The origins of half-timbering extend back to the stilt house builders in about 3000 BC. Half-timbering is therefore one of the oldest construction methods of all. The basic structure has remained the same over thousands of years. Further development of half-timbered construction continued over the years, refining it to create a perfect system.
Element and prefab construction developed over time from this half-timbering. Balloon framing was used at an early stage in America, particularly in the construction of houses, so it should come as no surprise that 85% of North Americans live in timber homes. Wood has always been used for building in Europe, particularly in half-timbered or log construction. Element and prefab construction is growing in importance in this country, chiefly due to its versatility.
Element and prefab construction primarily aims to realise as many parts of a construction process as possible in the factory. All components can be created here under controlled conditions. The entire construction process is therefore accelerated and is unaffected by the weather as assembly is shortened to a few days. Element and prefab construction is suitable for both traditional and modern structures. Elements or modules are assembled on site to create a complete structure. Prefab construction simplifies planning, facilitates prefabrication under ideal conditions and is a rapid dry construction method. When realised correctly, it results in a high-quality and, most importantly, cost-effective construction. Element and prefab construction is used everywhere today, with even multi-storey buildings posing no problem. Further development of element and prefab construction for multi-storey residential buildings will also provide further momentum to timber construction.
Every family has its own wishes and ideas when it comes to appearance and interior design. Their ideas are our strengths. Anyone can individually design a house with us because flexibility is not an unfamiliar concept for us.
Nothing compares to the living climate and home comfort experienced in a wooden house. After all, wood is a living, breathing material. A timber building ensures cosy warmth in winter and refreshing coolness in summer. Wood is a breathable material that always exudes a pleasant, natural and fresh fragrance. You simply feel comfortable in one of our prefabricated houses as you have brought nature into your own home!
An element and prefab wall is endowed with optimum climatic properties. Problems relating to condensation, cold spots in rooms or damp in new structures are unknown where wood is used. A further advantage is the enormous level of heat accumulated when compared to the thermal transfer resistance. The level of heat stored is up to 15 times that in the case of other building materials.
In fact, it is no mistake to say that wood is the most healthy building material. And you and your family deserve to live in a healthy environment.